As a donor organization or individual, you stand to gain a lot of benefits when you donate to assist the less privileged including the natural blessing accruing from fulfilling your corporate social responsibility such as:

  • Opportunity to feature your company profile on our website and also feature donor in our TV and advocacy programmes
  • Opportunity to feature the donor in our TV and advocacy programmes

Your DONATION Can Be In Form Of:

  • Scholarship Offer
  • Donation of Study Materials including laptop(s)
  • Donation of food items
  • Donation of food items
  • Spending time to visit the orphanage homes with our teams and attend our charity programmes
  • Donation of clothings

You can channel your kind donations to the Foundation’s official account or write a cheque in our name. You can also bring your donation personally through our contact address.



ACCOUNT NO.: 1015045202

Or fill the form below:

[wpuf_form id=”3409″]

Stella George Foundation has several responsibilities taken upon herself to cater for the feeding, education and general well-being of the less privilege in the society. Hence, the cash donations are used to cover up these expenses in addition to the self financing of the foundation.

What happens to the material donations?
All the material donations are taken to various orphanage homes where they are being distributed among the orphans and also to schools where children of the less privileged are found.

How does SGF select the beneficiaries of these donations? The only criteria to be chosen for one to become a beneficiary is the fact that such person is being confirmed as a less privileged in his/her locality and we also see that with our eyes. SGF covers all nearby orphanage homes to share donation materials for them. We have no room for partiality.

Is there a particular amount of donation that is too small?
No amount of donation is too small or big for the less privilege. We only urge people to show these ones kindness by extending their helping hands in form of donation for their up-keep. It is a way of reducing crime in our society because a hungry man is an angry man.
